First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge your insightful, well-reasoned critique of technology's role in our classrooms. Your passion and dedication to providing your students with an optimal learning experience shine through every word you wrote. Additionally, I agree with your stance that developing human traits such as resilience, empathy, collaboration, and problem-solving in our students should take precedence over focusing on technological development alone.
Your emphasis on "making sense of the world and finding our place within it" rings particularly true, reminding educators that their role extends far beyond tech literacy.
Although more technology is not the answer to our problems, technology shouldn't be seen as inherently bad either - its usage determines its value and impact.
Consider, for example, the growing body of research on AI's potential in individualizing instruction, providing real-time feedback and supporting data-driven instruction. As our world becomes more digitalized, equipping students with tech skills isn't simply about job readiness but is also essential in helping them navigate, participate in, and contribute positively to society at large.
Balance is key in finding a solution; neither should technology monopolize classrooms nor should we underestimate its ability to enhance teaching and learning. Therefore, as you've noted, revisiting beliefs about the purpose of education can help us tailor how we use technology accordingly.
Thank you again for sharing such insightful remarks about technology's role in education. They add significantly to an ongoing dialogue.